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Peak Performance, Peace of Mind/Wellness, Healthy Relationships.  Mental Resilience is our capacity to respond to life’s challenges with a positive rather than negative mindset.  The attached document outlines how to do this. Intrigued?  Read on…

Have any of the following happened to you?

  • You spent 3 days working on a creative pitch, submitted it to your boss for comments and they don’t get back to you for two days… now it’s urgent
  • You get an email from your Finance Exec telling you that you need to cut your budgets by 15%… and HR has once again changed your Return to Office policy…
  • You are preparing to give or receive your annual review but all you can think about are the mistakes…
  • You’ve had a long day/week/month/… and your child really wants your attention, and the internet is not working, and you don’t what to make for dinner, and the milk is expired, and your partner didn’t feed the cat, …

You get the picture.  When we experience styrong emotions,  our entire nervous system, including our brain, begins a process that is sometimes called an Amygdala Hijack – and we go into a Fight, Flight or Freeze response.  We lose higher brain functions as blood moves toward our extremities, our vision narrows.  Helpful for our protection; not so helpful when we need to solve problems and respond in a social or business environment.

Shirzad Chamine brought together 4 fields of science into what he named “Positive Intelligence” ion his best-selling book by the same name.  Through factor analysis he grouped common negative reactions into 10 groups of reactions — Saboteurs.  These saboteurs often show up as those nagging little voices in our heads that keep us from achieving our full potential.   When we are experiencing/feeling negative emotions we are in Saboteur Mode.  The opposite and desired state is our Sage Mode.  Our Sage Mode is one where we are calm, able to access our creative, high-level thoughts, can achieve our full potential.  We can explore and find solutions.  The key is to strengthen our ability to shift from Saboteur to Sage.

Our Mental Resilience Coaching Program trains you to recognize when your Saboteurs are hijacking you and how to shift to a Sage perspective to move forward toward resolution.  The attached document describes the process and gives you a sample exercise to help you move from Saboteur to Sage.  Contact us learn more or to sign up for our 8-week Mental Resilience Coaching Program